Sunday, November 10, 2013

Remembrance Day Links 11:11:11

Canadian War Dead:

Remembrance Day Toolkit:

War Art Interpretations: Media Literacy

  • What is happening in the image?
  • What is the artist trying to say?
  • What could this tell you about the artist's wartime experience?
  • How does the piece make you feel?
  • What techniques does the artist use to create these feelings? (think about colour, shade, shapes, style and composition

Wednesday, November 6, 2013


Today in Class we watched a video about the Normandy Invasion and contributions of the Canadian Army. As part of our Remembrance Day education week, the class began to understand the impact that War had on the World and why it is important not to     forget. 

BBC World War II Video

D-Day: The Normandy Landings

By Phil Edwards
Last updated 2011-02-17
  • Theatre: North West Europe
  • Dates: 6 June 1944
  • Location: Beaches on the Normandy coast in north western France.
  • Outcome: The establishment of Allied beachheads on the Normandy coast, a successful start to the Allies' invasion of North West Europe.
  • Players:
  • Allies: General Bernard Montgomery's 21st Army Group comprising General Miles Dempsey's 2nd Army and General Omar Bradley's US 1st Army; 6th Airborne Division; US 82nd and 101st Airborne Divisions; Admiral Sir Bertram Ramsey's Allied Naval Expeditionary Force
  • Germany: Field Marshal Erwin Rommel's Army Group B comprising General Friedrich Dollmann's 7th Army and General Hans von Salmuth's 15th Army; four Panzer divisions held in army reserve

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Remembrance Day Week: Website Links

Shona the Math-Chef.

Shona getting ready for a math class with the students. She explored ratios and how its importance relate to real world uses.

Halloween Class Pumpkins

Oct 31, 2013
Oct 31, 2013

Locker Decorating

For Halloween, the students got a special bag that had all kinds of spooky items in it that they decorated their doors with. The students were able to use as much time as needed but were assessed on their creative juices to obtain one clear winner. Here are most of the lockers.

Catching up with the Month of October...

October has been a busy month here at Fisher Park... so much so that I have been lacking in posting on a regular basis. Here are some things that have been going on the last three weeks.

Monster Exchange has been completed. The students had a fun time during the lead up and drawing of their peers monsters. Their hard work, proof reading, editing and publishing their descriptions was fantastic. Well done everyone.

We were given a special performance by a witch with a scientific specialty. After some elbow grease with an actual liver... and some other additives... the pumpkin came to life to shoot out some bubbly goo.. Yuk.