Monday, March 7, 2016

Climate Change Links

Click Links to some Videos regarding Climate Change

Here - Here is a climate time Machine.

Here  - Artic Sea Ice

Here - Agriculture

Here - Tropical Storms

Here - Snowpack

Here - Drought

Here - Sea Level Rise

Here - Disease

Here - Ocean Temp and Acidity

  • how the climate is changing (e.g., warmer, colder, less rain, more rain) and why
  • the way this is affecting the area that your researched
  • the negative and/or positive results of this change on the environment, ecosystems and humans, where applicable
  • tips for reducing the impact and/or planning for the future
  • some other areas around the world that may be similarly affected

Monday, February 15, 2016

Climate Change: Is it a Global Issue?

Is climate change everyone's problem?

Step 1: Watch the you tube video.
Step 2: Answer the following questions on the padlet --->  Link is HERE
  • What is the Greenhouse effect? Is it good or bad? Explain.
  • How do we as humans contribute to the Greenhouse effect?
  • What are some of the signs of climate change?
  • How could climate change affect the climate, ecosystems and humans?
  • What are some solutions?

Part II: Info-graphic on Climate Change

You are going to create an Info graphic on climate change:

1) Only 3 Slides are Used.
2) Pictures and Single words are only allowed.
3) You must have 3 of the 4 criteria on the bottom of the screen:

  • what climate change is
  • how humans are contributing to it
  • its effects on the environment, ecosystems and humans
  • tips on how to prevent/reduce the damage that it is/will cause now and in the future
Programs: Use can use any of the following programs to create your info graphic.

Sunday, February 7, 2016

Monday/Tuesday - Geography - Climate Change: What is it and How does it affect Us?

You Tube Link:  Climate Change and Its Effect on us after 20 Years

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Learning Goal: Geography

A3.1 identify the location and describe the physical features of various landforms
(.e.g., mountains, plateaus, plains, valleys).

Here is a link that describes some physical characteristics of landforms as well as some human characteristics for interest sake.

Here is a link for some examples of physical characteristics of landforms.

Monday, February 1, 2016

Landforms Video

Geography: Landforms

We will begin to look at landforms around the world.

Look at the links below:
Link is for a list to landforms.
Link here for Canadian landforms.
Link here for common landforms.

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Geography Launch

Geoguessr: Link

Geoguessr: Rules and Hints

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Blogs and Twitter Carousel

Click on THIS link to proceed to the Padlet Q & A.

PLC Report Writing

Click on THIS link to launch over to our getting started activity.

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Co-constructed Persuasive Essay

Click Here : Launch to our digital graphic organizer

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Holes Questions: Our Level Three / Four Answers

We will be posting our best answers from Chapters 1 through 10 to analyze what makes a Level 3 and Level 4 Answer.

Click on the Link below to find out:

Holes Padlet Launch

Monday, January 11, 2016

John A. McDonald

I will know that I am successful when:
  • I can explain why Canada Day is celebrated on July 1st.
  • I can apply criteria to decide if a person or an event is historically significant.
Launch the video:

Padlet: Click Here

Timeline: Click Here

Supporting Details Padlet Link

Lets take a look at how we should support our arguments....

Click on this Link