Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Mapping Rubric

Level 1
(50 - 59%)
Level 2
(60 - 69%)
Level 3
(70 - 79%)
Level 4
(80 - 100%)
Knowledge and Understanding.
Map colours and labels are accurately portrayed.
Few colours are appropriate for features.
Few label features are accurately portrayed.
Some colours are appropriate for features.
Some label features are accurately portrayed.
Many colours are appropriate for features.
Many label features are accurately portrayed.
Most colours are appropriate for features.
Most label features are accurately portrayed.
The written component of the project fully develops an overall picture of the student's country.
The overall picture of the student's country is limited in its development.
The overall picture of the student's country shows some development.
The overall picture of the student's country is considerably developed.
The overall picture of the student's country is highly developed.
The map is properly constructed.
Few features are coloured in.
Few straight lines are ruler drawn.
Legend contains few relevant symbols.
Some features are coloured in.
Some straight lines are ruler drawn.
Legend contains some relevant symbols.
Many features are coloured in.
Many straight lines are ruler drawn.
Legend contains many relevant symbols.
Most features are coloured in.
Most straight lines are ruler drawn.
Legend contains most relevant symbols.
Few references are accurate.
Some references are accurate.
Many references are accurate.
Most references are accurate.